Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Well, Bushie just had to didn't he?

Get up on National TV and declare war on six percent of our population. A constitutional amendment to limit rights! Rudy Juliani said in a speech this year in Oakland, that we were lucky to have someone like George Bush at the helm. (I developed an opinion of Rudy that night.) All the Republicans keep telling us how lucky we are to have George. I guess they are right if you are into international nose snubbing, wars, and singling out minorities to pick on. Why is it always hetrosexual born again Christian white males from the South that want to protect institutions. (Slavery, Jim Crow, segregation.) Who are we going after next George? Jewish people are only six percent of the population why don't we write a constitutional amendment to ban any form of religion other than Christianity? I mean it would be protecting the institution of Christianity. It’s been under attack a lot lately too. God knows, “This country was founded by Christians, no the Jews. Let's ban Muslims too. They don't even eat Bar-B-Que pork.” Bar-B-Que is a institution that needs protecting. The damn health food nuts are after it. Maybe we should add a few other amendments while we are at it:

A ban on religions that have various levels of heaven. Heavens been under attack, and God can’t figure out where he is or where he stands. The federal government could define it for him.

How about a ban on religions that believe in reincarnation? God doesn’t like it, if you never worry about getting into heaven. What would he have to do if everyone just gets to come back and try over and over again. The federal government should let people know. They only get one chance. They should keep their place and do as they are told. God likes it that way. George likes it that way. He likes so much, he wants to write it into law. That way he can bomb us like he’d like to do with everyone else that doesn’t see things his way. George thinks he is God. (You think I’m kidding? Look at the smug look he keeps on his face when he talks to the press. It’s a “Hmmph, I’m God, why do I have to answer to you look.”) Half of America thinks George is stupid and George thinks he’s God. He believes in the Bible. The Bible is series stories about tests of faith telling everyone to know their place. George wants everyone to know their place. Especially if they are of middle eastern or gay decent.

What we really need a constitutional amendment that bans Presidential stupidity. Thank God, that was provided for by the founding fathers who limited the Presidents power and made amending the constitution nearly impossible. They also provided a nice peaceful way to overthrow our government on a regular basis without bombs and guns. I hope everyone drops a bomb on George W. Bush in November. He is someone that does not deserve reincarnation. If there is anyone that needs to be put in his place, its him. I hope he finds a ranch in Texas a level of heaven he can deal with.


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