Monday, January 26, 2004

In defense of marriage

My friends Mary Kay and Ian celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary yesterday. The first year can be quite the milestone. Course, they only spent like two weeks together before Ian got shipped off to Iraq. He’s not back yet. So to say the celebrated their anniversary might be a bit misleading. The milestone passed. They still haven’t been on a honeymoon yet. But from a statistical point of view, I guess they are bucking the trend. I mean they made it through a whole year. Brittany couldn’t even make it a weekend. Maybe Brittany had too much marital stress way too quick. Fortunately, GW has a plan to deal with these pressing issues. (So he says.) I read in the paper today that his $1.5 billion plan was to set up support groups to help people handle marital conflicts and strife. I wonder if that would include funding to rejoin couples other line items in his budget separated? Probably not.

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