Sunday, February 08, 2004

Bush Interview on Meet the Press.

The pulled out an interesting chart this morning that showed the Federal Budget the year Bush took office was in surplus $281 Billion. This year the budget is in deficit $500 billion. (This doesn't take into account the $150 billion he's borrowing from the Social Security System.) So in three years we have essentially lost almost $950 billion in revenue in the federal government. We are now borrowing more money every year, than Bush's Dad did in four years, Ronald Regan did in eight years. I think we need Ross Perot back with his charts.
I wonder how long we can borrow a third of the budget of the U.S. and stay in business. Oh by they way if you guys vote for him again. We have to pay that back. Its ok though, the 2 Trillion GW has run up in debt during his first adminstration will only cost us 4.6 trillion.

As I only got about six hundred dollars out of this deal, I'd be willing to tighten my belt again and save a few trillion.


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