Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Karen Hughes in defense of Bushie....

I went and saw GW's speech writer, Karen Hughes, speak tonight. She's the woman that moved to Texas but still works 1 week a month at the White House. Has she figured out how to work in Government and still get away with making a pile of dough. But anyway, one of the questions she was asked was: "What did you think of George Bush's answer that he didn't read newspapers or magazines when asked."

Mind you, she's a Bushi, --and well the audience was packed with about 5000 of us left coast Democrats and 2000 Republicans that think gay people can get married as long as they register Democratic. So, only like 18 people clapped when she quoted positions out of the state of the union speech. But she's kind of campaigning for him right now, so when asked that question, she looked at us, chuckled a bit and said:

"I was talking to Laura Bush about that statement the other day. She laughed too. George Bush likes to tease reporters. So he just made that up. I mean I've seen the President read papers lots. --And Laura and he have started every morning in bed for the last 20 years sharing the newspaper. People like to think George Bush is stupid. Though the press likes to forget he has a MBA from Harvard."

We (the audience) kind of chuckled at the President playing around with the press. Course, aftewards it occurred to me. As, the President already has a reputation for being kind of stupid guy, isn't teasing the press to make them think he is stupid, kind of stupid?


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