Sunday, February 15, 2004



Lenscrafters called yesterday. Said they wanted to talk to Ian Clunies Ross. (My ex-roomate who is in Iraq, whose stuff is still in my house, and whose wife in Seattle waiting patiently for his return.)

I said, "Well he's kind of in Iraq right now."

The nice lady on the other end of the phone said, "Could you give him a message that we called. Its time for his checkup."

I said, "Well he's kind of in Iraq right now."

She said, "Is their a way we can contact him?"

I said, "He's kind of in Iraq right now."

She said, "He didn't leave a contact number or anything?"

I said, "In Iraq?"

She said, "Oh, Iraq, could you tell him we called."

Just letting you know Ian.


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