Sunday, February 22, 2004

Let's all get married.

So my brother asked how come I hadn’t mused anything on what was going on in SF He said I could guess what the consensus on gay marriage was in his state. --A state where annually snuffing out the life of a deer with a high caliber rifle is considered a human right, a God given right, and a right of passage. They believe in a lot of rights up there in Montana. Mostly they believe in the right to be left alone to be able to shoot things. Probably if you are gay up there, you considered okay as long as you fish and shoot things and don’t get no fancy ideas about taxing property or stuff you buy at stores.

So, anyway, I'll weigh in, sort of. Gay marriages are kind of a silly thing to be having a national debate about. We are going bankrupt, our President is the laughing stock of the world, we loose soldiers in Iraq on a regular basis, and everyone wants to quibble about the definition of a word. Why do Presidents always want ot argue about the meaning of words, we all know the defintion of? So I deferred on an opinion to my brother. But I did confess I was in SF last Friday, and a friend and I did hear that was big gay wedding reception in the city. We decided to go find and crash it. But we only found a bunch of TV reporters camped outside city hall by themselves. . They all seemed in poor humor, probably because it was 10:30 and a Friday night and they were filming an empty city hall. I figured they'd be happy not having to camp outside of Scott Petersen's empty house in Modesto, but I guess not. They seemed in poorer humor when Chris and I asked where the big gay wedding reception was. They almost got a look like we were going to attack them or something. I never thought I looked that crazy. Anyway they gave us really bad directions, which were totally wrong. Proof I guess that TV types are all fluff. So we went to a Crepe place and talked about investment strategies for him and his wife to save for a down payment on a house. His wife is a lesbian by the way. They are thinking of getting remarried as gay couple now. Yeah he’s gay too. Its very San Francisco, but I covered that in my New Years entry. Neither of them hunt deer by the way.

It has occurred to me that the certain types of people are against gay marriage. We’ll call them Republicans. Now, they have all kinds of reasons. I don’t want to argue with. I suppose they are valid. But I think Republicans are missing an opportunity here. I mean the Republican Party is all about stimulating business right? --And the real business of America is business right? Gay weddings could be a big thing for business. I mean everyone knows gay people have fabulous tastes. Republicans you don’t think a couple of gay people planning a wedding wouldn’t be tempted to go over the top and spend a lot of money on them. George, you should come out in support of this. It could be your “I’ll cut your taxes more, but don’t worry about it, gay people getting married will stimulate the economy and fill government coffers plan.”

Course, while we are at it. I think Berkeley not wanting to be out done by SF gay weddings should say they are for inter-species marriage. If I could marry my dog it would be totally cool. When she had an average litter I could claim them as dependents and get a lot of tax deductions. Course, as cross species sex is not something I’m into, I have to let the wife cheat on me a bit. I suppose the same people who don’t want gays to get married would be upset that I let my bitch wife have sex outside of our relationship. You know that kind of stuff really undermines the institution of marriage. But its okay, she wouldn’t have a soul that could be saved anyway.

As a side note, deep down in my heart. I think the Gay community should be focusing on the fact that the Federal Government regulaly fires people from there jobs in the military service for being gay. That seems a worse human rights crime to me. But I'm just a dumb poet.


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