Wednesday, February 11, 2004

A freinds response to my blog of 11 Feb.

One of my freinds read my blog about Karen Hughes saying old GW Bushie was teasing the reporters
into thinking he was an idiot, when he said he didn't read the newspapers. He ammonished me for being
gentle. Below is his comment. Course, I like to be nice if I can. --And I did call GW a lot of explicatives
I'm not going to repeat now, the week afer the State of the Union speech.

"Not harsh enough. It puts me in mind of the Emperor Claudius who was
thought to be defective, idiotic, simple-minded for the first 40 years of
his life. He was made Emperor through lack of something better. When they
chose him he said he had only been pretending to be stupid all those years.
A wag questioned if anyone but a stupid man would pretend to be stupid all
those years. Nothing changes, just some of us know there is a past."


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