Saturday, January 24, 2004

George W. Bush for Honorary Faggot.

Okay, I've been musing over this how define marriage thing that GW came up with in the State of the Union. GW does a lot of stuff to piss me off. Turning a budget surplus into the largest budget deficit ever, ignoring the environment, and screwing around with a nuclear nut case power that just wants food and assurances that it won’t be attacked like Iraq. Then there is the whole lying to the American people about WMD and smirking in the process as he reminds all the bigots in the country its all okay, cause "We are all sinners." We won't even go into the writ of Habius Corpus thing. Now he wants to modify the Constitution to define something we can find in Webster’s. I think the only thing to do is to have American minorities enact countermeasures. The LGBT community should declare him “Honorary Faggot”. After he has a few people want to keep him out of someting because of an attribute or label maybe he'll understand. While the gays are at it, the African American and Latino communities should name him “Honorary Spic and Nigger.” Hey George how do you feel about that you fucking Spic ass nigger faggot? By the way. Christ that great philosopher you admire, both bucked the status quo and was tolerant. Dork.


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