Wednesday, December 31, 2003

So its New Year's

My ex-roommate invited me to a formal party. I'm here at his place with his wife him watching them get dressed. Its very San Francisco. He's gay, she's lesbian. They are married. He's trying to decide whether or not to wear his harness as a shirt rather than a shirt and cumberbund. She's not sure.
He just asked me if I wanted a harness or a tie. (Clip On.) I passed on both. Oh hell the clip on looks so silly with a blue t-shirt and a kilt, I'll do it. Its very San Francisco. I wear my kilt most New Year's. You can't sing in old ange zine without a Scotsman. I'm the Scotsman. Broque and all. Where is my Kilt Partner in Crime, Ian Clunies Ross? Oh yeah. Stuck in Iraq. Thanks again George. Ian I hope Iraq doesn't suck too much.

Did I mention my ex-roommates Chesapeak Retriever is wearing a wedding dress? We haven't even started drinking yet.


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