Thursday, September 02, 2004

After a little Dick!!!!

After listening to Dick, explain why John Kerry, wouldn't be a good Commander and Chief, and after Zell Miller explained that John Kerry didn't understand, the Military, the Marines and good weapon systems, cause he was in the Navy. (Despite the fact that all the expensive weapons systems that he cited in he speach contributed less to the defeat of the Taliban than a bunch of hay and some donkeys did) I strolled down to my local favorite bartender, to have a beer with my local favorite professor (Who btw is also from Texas. --The bartender is from Vermont, so you can imagine what their opinions are like.) and indicated I might vote Republican. I was in Oakland so it was "okay", I thought. I decided to drink a lot of beer to reinforce my decision of late. Being a Republican that is. I mean I had heard ARNolds speach. He asked if I believe God, Liberty, and so forth, "Oh say can you see by the dawns early, and why should we wonder of it in every language deaf and dumb, thy sons acclaim, your glorious name, by jingle, by gosh, buy gum. --Be a manly mand and not a gurely man and it keepts the economy going and makes America great!

"BUT! But, But", the bartender brought me back to reality. I pointed out the bar seemed a little sparse tonight. He retorted: "Its the economy stupid. I mean I judge the economy based on the types of bills I get accross the bar. A few years back, it was like hundreds and fifties. Now, at the first of the month, when rent is due, the economy is like the Bush economic plan, everyone spends the same two hundred dollars saved, six times over. If I get someone in here, I get a lot of pennies for Pabst. And tips?"

I might mention the bartender is growing his hair long, and before the economy collapsed, and his wife got pregnant, he was considering moving to Portugal to write his novel.

Though as a slight rebuttal to Zell, I would like to point out, we really didn't need B-1s, B-2s, and F-14's to defeat a bunch of donkey cart riding guys from the 13 century. We could have done it with Sophwith Camels and about 100 less 1-2 billion dollar airplanes. For Iraq, well we might have needed some humvees and a few helicopters, but winning the intial battle wasn't the issue was it? Its figuring out how to rebuild those countries that is the big issue, and well, B-2's and F-14s aren't as good at that as, say a few allies andn some economic help are?

Great speach Zell and Dick, but kind of pointless. Yeah John Kerry is a pussy, flipp flopper, but Bushie is an overspending, under budgeting, borrowing, go it alone, zealot, ...... etc. etc.
Terrible Speaker.


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