Tuesday, August 31, 2004

1087 and 916 and then there were the Iraqis....

I watched some of the GOP convention last night. Lots of flag waving. You know, from they way they went on at times, you'd think the war in Iraq had been over for like five years and we were reminiscing about the great sacrifices that had occurred when we were brutally attacked by surprise. But of course, a lot of the people that attacked us are still at large, and Iraq didn’t have much to do with it. But there are a couple things the Publicans forgot to mention.

1087 soldiers have died in a war since is was declared ah…. Done.
And how come we never hear about what the total dead in Iraq is?
How many “Insurgents” as they are called died last month, this year, since we started this mess? Okay, the insurgents shot at us etc. But how many innocent by standing Iraqis died? I bet the death toll looks something like this:

Innocent Deaths from Al Qaeda since 1990 – 4000.
Innocent Deaths from America fighting Terrorism etc. - 25,000

Add it some Iraqis soldiers who were just sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time and its more like 250,000.

If you want to stop terrorism. Consider who you vote for.

And God, can’t you just tell John McCain and Rudy Giuliani just want to run for President in 2008. Neither one of them like Bush. But they’ll support him, so they don’t screw up their chances.


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