Tuesday, August 31, 2004

For those of you who had trouble understanding the Governator of Calofornya, and The RNC, I publish the following "edited" version

"Thank You, Thank You. I want to welcome all of you Republicans from the gurley states.
As you know I’m the governator of the Great State of Calofornya. We are the pumped up state. We are the state that lets gurley men marry each other. Cause we are not afraid of gurley men. Cause we are not gurley men. We are the state that doesn’t have a gurley economy either. We have the fifth largest pumped up economy in the world. Who’s economy is biggor? America’s economy, its not gurley. Its on steroids. Who else’s? Japan’s, its not gurley, but those big diapered wrestlers, need to pump some iron. Germany, not gurley either. I not going to mention much about Germany, or Austria for that matter. So I’ll tell you that after those two countries tried to get all pumped up, the Soviet Union picked on them. And who came to Germany’s and Austria’s rescue? That’s right, the pumped up men of America. Much like they are doing in Iraq today.
For all of you who don’t like America. You are all gurely men. Even you women. Well, except for the ones I groped.


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