Monday, July 12, 2004

Let's delay elections and what not to fool terrorists.

Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security, has suggested someone ought to have the power to delay and election in the U.S. because we might come under attack. --------

By how much Tom? A day? --or perhaps by enough to guarantee the right person wins?

Oh, I’m going into Michael Moore mode. Sorry. I’ll cut old Tommy and his boss some slack. Tom’s just trying to fool those old evil doer terrorists. He also pointed out they might attack on a few holidays of late. They haven’t, but we probably should delay some holidays to fool the evil doers. Christmas should be moved. I never liked it in December anyway. Let’s make July. That will give us eight months of shopping between Thanksgiving an Christmas. New Years should move to the summer too. I need more time off in the summer. Can we change my birthday to fool terrorists too? I was accosted by a bunch of people in Fenton’s Ice Creamery last January. I felt terrorized.


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