Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Strike is over...

Well, its late.
The strike ended yesterday. I still had to go into work for an hour or two today,
but we were allowed home by 8:30.
I prett much spent the day sleeping with a short break for lunch, and to take
Ian (home from Iraq) to the airport. He's been moving his stuff out of
the basement all weekend he's moving into an apartment in Seattle with his "wife" (can you stand the scandle) Mary Kay. His wife sent out a e-mail on the subject. I included it for shits and grins.

For the record, I'm not her mother.

Dear Mom,

I'm moving in with Ian. We're in love and we want to mingle our silverware, mix our tee-shirts in the laundry basket, have waffles for dinner, and read the same morning newspaper.

I know that you're against men and women living together, and what will the neighbors say and all that, and while I'm grateful for the decades of food, shelter, education and moral guidance, I'm 31 years old and I'm ready to make my own decisions.

And so, Ian and I are moving in together.

Our new home is a one-story duplex in Ballard, the ancestral home of Seattle's Scandinavian fishermen. Interestingly, the house is part of a row of houses built for soldiers returning from World War II. It's not fancy, but the inside is pretty and bright. It's a one-bedroom (because when you move in together, you only need one bedroom), but has a large basement.

Here's the address should you want to drop by, and phone number, if you'd like to call first:

Seattle, WA XXXXXX (Yeah you don't get this, you're not her Ma)

While we're talking about big changes, I also want to mention that Three Ring Communications will be running on low power for a while.

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels has hired me as a writer for his communications team. I'll be writing all kinds of stuff behind the scenes, and working with a whole bunch of really smart people. And while the dress code is a little more rigid than the "Pajama Day, Everyday!"-ethos that I've become accustomed to, the opportunity to work for the Mayor is too good to pass up.

I start June 2, which gives me just enough time to go to Colorado with Ian (where there will be-- you guessed it-- ONE hotel room). We will be attending the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment memorial service and ball, as well as reuniting with Ian's army buddies, a.k.a., the Council of Captains.

I know that me living with a GUY and working for a DEMOCRAT is coming as a big shock, and I'm sorry about that. I just want you -- and everyone -- to know that you could not have been a better mother. Sometimes, you just get a bad seed.

Lots of love,

Mary Kay


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