Monday, March 15, 2004

I have a confession...

I know this morally wrong, but I’ve been dating two people. Actually, no, “dating,” is probably not the right term? It just feels like that. I’ve been seeing two different contractors about my house remodel. It feels like I’m dating. If I don’t call one of them for a couple days, they call me and ask how things are. They talk about what they can bring to the relationship. They mention how much they like me. They want to see if we can do something together soon. They ask to come over to my house. Sometimes they take me out too lunch. –And to be honest with you, sometimes, I see their Caller ID on the display, and I ignore them.

I say “people” because the two persons are guys. (Women contractors are few.) In the Bay Area where guys date guys a lot, this is an acceptable state of being. But, I’m not interested in these guys for a long-term relationship. More a short term deal. --They are never going to go to dinner with my parents.

I’ve got some immediate needs, when I’m done, I’m going to shake their hands, and probably never talk to them again. Oh, there will be the chance meetings around town or something. If a friend asks who they are, in casual conversation I’ll offer an opinion of their performance, and may even recommend them for a quick job if my friends are in similar need. But the “after relationship has ended time” is not the problem. These two guys both think, ultimately they are going to be the one. The one I settle down with. The one I build a home with. The one that gets to put a little tongue in groove and give my home a climax I been working towards for five years.

Guilt, like a horny dog, is humping my leg.

I’m really a serial monogamist. I don’t like this situation. I usually meet someone, decide whether I like them or not, and go from there. If I don’t like them, then there isn’t a relationship. Even when I hire new employees for my business, I don’t do it this way. I don’t talk to multiple people and play them off against each other. I look at one. Decide if I can work with them, then ask a few of my friends (fellow employees) if they think I’m crazy. If they think I’m sane, I drive into the relationship with the new employee. I don’t string anyone along. I don’t tell them they are the only one. But that’s what I’m doing with these guys

Well, no, I being honest with these two guys. I’ve told them there is another. They say they are okay with that. But I still feel guilty. It’s hard to go against your nature. I'm going to have to dump one of them.


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