Thursday, January 06, 2005

Irish Drunkin Confession

Its only 1 week from my eer, mid 40's birthday. No dispute.
When I was a lad, about eight years or so, with me books and me pencils to school I did go.
To the dirty old school house, with out any door,
Where lay the school master blind drunk on the floor,
Singing "Frosted Lucky Charms. They are magically delicious."

Now, at that time, there were only a few marshmellow surprises.
Pink Hearts,
Green Clovers, (now two shades of green)
Blue F**ckn Moons.
and purple diamonds.

Who the hell ever saw purple diamonds?

But that was then and this is now.
Rainbows? What the hell are rainbows doing in Lucky Charms?
Okay, that is kind of Leprechan releated.
But, But, there are orange and white things,
There are purple horse shoes, and--
there are a yellow and orange things which are sort of a glutenous mass.
What happened to Lucky Charms.

I wouldn't even be eatin these things but they are high in fiber and low in colesterol and the marshmellow bits melt in you mouth better than cherrios.

The pink hearts aren't even hearts any more.
Where are my pink hearts.
Where is the love of my childhood?
Where is a good beer when I need it?

The climate is changing,
I can accept that.
What the hell are these orange and white things in Luckey Charms.
--And why do you people read this?


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