Thursday, December 16, 2004

Departing Reality.

I broke a bone in my foot a couple Sunday’s back. It hurts just a tad. I spent a week or so on crutches, and since have been limping and dropping pain killers of one type or another. Good prescription pain killers can give you some National Geographic level dreams. I’ve had a few. Everything from my building a side deck on one of the towers of the World Trade Center, which was some how connected to my house in Berkeley and having my dog jump between them, and eventually falling to his death, to typical flying dreams. (I don’t have a dog btw.) But somewhere in my minor suffering of the last week I realized I don’t care much about the real world anymore. My President seems to be lost in a dream world. I decided to enter it too. I want that look of bliss he always has on his face. As a result, I’m not going to write anything that is remotely true for the next ten or so entries in this blog. It will all be fantasy, dream world, romance novel, sci-fi type stuff. You have been warned. Now, I know a few of you are going to take it serious. I suppose there might be something I write that is true. I may slip up. Your job as readers, and members of our planet is to try and figure out when I think I’m telling the truth and when I might be just writing on Vicodin.


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