Friday, July 30, 2004

Look Out Georgie.....

I watched all the speaches this week. (Well not Nancy Pellosie's --- Boring. I think Willie or Gavin need to run for Congress from S.F.)  In the words that Al Sharpton might use:  "You be in trouble. The Donkey is on the Charge."

Monday, July 12, 2004

Why it is descrimination

Let's see the African Black Christian Caucus seems to feel keeping gays from marrying can not be equated to the Jim Crow laws. They say allowing gay marriage insults the civil rights movement. Hmm, didn't those "Separate But Equal" laws work something like this: "Negroes, OK, you can have your freedom and some rights. But know your place in society." Yet, they will get up and say the same thing about another minority. How quickly they have forgot.

Let's delay elections and what not to fool terrorists.

Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security, has suggested someone ought to have the power to delay and election in the U.S. because we might come under attack. --------

By how much Tom? A day? --or perhaps by enough to guarantee the right person wins?

Oh, I’m going into Michael Moore mode. Sorry. I’ll cut old Tommy and his boss some slack. Tom’s just trying to fool those old evil doer terrorists. He also pointed out they might attack on a few holidays of late. They haven’t, but we probably should delay some holidays to fool the evil doers. Christmas should be moved. I never liked it in December anyway. Let’s make July. That will give us eight months of shopping between Thanksgiving an Christmas. New Years should move to the summer too. I need more time off in the summer. Can we change my birthday to fool terrorists too? I was accosted by a bunch of people in Fenton’s Ice Creamery last January. I felt terrorized.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

So, I drove up to Seattle for the Fourth. On the way I stopped in Arcada CA and saw Michael Moore's latest. (You know, Michael Moore, the Rush Limbaugh of the Democrats) I didn't learn a whole lot from it. I mean, I already don't think much of Bush. I pretty much know the score on the war. I gave pretty much every democrat I can think of money to support their election. (Yes, even Howard Dean.) There was one interesting fact, I did learn from the movie: "There is only one state trooper on duty on the Oregon Coast Highway a couple days a week." As I drove up the Coast next day, I used that fact to determine my crusing speed.

OH! BTW. I made this trip in about 13.5 hours on the Interstate. For those of you who don't believe in big government. I suggest you adopt modes of transportation in existance in the days before big government (Interstates were big government), like walking and horseback riding. The trip would take about 60 days to walk, providing you were in decent shape. If you were rich you could sail in a couple weeks or ride a horse in about 40 days.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Things I learned or heard today....

My brother is not a redneck, but he plays one in Montana.....
(This is in now way a reference to my own brother, who lives in Montana. I heard this sentence in a bar in Berkeley. --I didn't utter it. Though it kind of rang true.)

John McCain on the Dennis Miller show: "The French are like a former movie Starlet, they are like 45 and can't figure out why no one casts them anymore. But they were fabulous once."

(Note, I would probably vote for John McCain.) I'm not a redneck, but occasionally play one in California.

Tommorrow, I'm off to Seattle to see a guy who is quite upset his first child is not being born in Texas, and another who's wife works for the mayor of Seattle. She's a self declared, thinking liberal. He (her husband) has the misfortune of spending a good part of the last year or so in Iraq. For fun we are going to go to the Deciples of Christ Christian Mission on the Yakima Indian Reservation and purchase and use what would be considered weapons of mass distruction in most states. By the Yakima peoples they are considered a source of commerce and a sign of autonomy.