Monday, April 15, 2024

If Donald Trump gave the Gettysburg Address


Four score, some say five, some less, and what was it? Seven years ago.

Our dads brought forth a new nation. Well, it wasn’t new, it was like a hundred something.

Older than Biden if you can believe that. That says something. People had been here a while.

Because of that, Lee fought a war here. Uphill. He knew better. Some say he lost.

But did he? Men were lost on both sides. They didn’t know why they fought. Only that they had to fight. As we must fight, to stop this unfinished work, where the nasty north just attacks MAGA continuously. They have it in for you. You need to be brave like the men who fought here. Lee and they can not have died in vain. Lee fell out of favor and look what they do to his statues now. I will fight as we must fight to make America great again, so it won’t just bing bong crash from this earth.


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