Saturday, May 18, 2024

Trump wins the Stormy case no matter what.


Once again, my liberal friends are hoping the courts will somehow bring Donald Trump to accountability.   He after all had sex with a porn star and covered it up.  Time for him to get his comeuppance. Apparently, lots of money was exchanged to keep Stormy from storming on the Donald 2016 campaign. This just isn’t right.  By the letter of the law, I suppose the comeuppance people are right.

(Warning, all you purist monogamist claiming married-committed people should stop reading now.)

You didn’t stop reading?  Damn, you won’t like the next part if you are one of them purists. But I assume you are not, or just like to think you are.

Here's the problem. A little less than half the electorate is male.  Ninety one percent of those men admit to consuming pornography in the last month. From anecdotal conversations with my male friends most have lusted after the individuals in their consumed pornography, so they would find it reasonable that Donald Trump would. We all know porn stars get paid to do what they do. So, if someone wanted to get nude with them, money would need to be exchanged. Most porn viewers are consuming pictures and videos   on the subway ticket plan because the cost of that one ten-minute ride is a lot less than owning a car or having the object of your lust in your room. But if cost wasn’t an object?  You can see where I am going. Trump can afford real porn stars.  Some for the initial cost of them making noise in his bed, and apparently a lot more to keep them quiet. He’s a billionaire, so who cares how he spends his money. It’s his.

Bill Clinton proved cheating on your wife or partner doesn’t cost you a job if you have no shame. Wife number three in, and lots of mistress stories around, we know Donald is impervious to shame. So the base of Trump voters (men who consume porn) aren’t budging and can buy into the Trump claim the Stormy Trial is a, well, a waist of time.


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