Monday, October 20, 2003

Bill O'Reilly is a Big Baby.

I’ve decided Bill O’Reilly is a big baby. He’s been going on about how NPR and Terry Gross of “Fresh Air” (One of the coolest shows on radio, if you are into the arts and what not.) attacked him with liberal bias. Like he never does that with his “fair and balanced bias” He’s mad that Al Franken is quite successfully calling him a dork. (Well those are my words, not Al’s. Well actually a the words of Adam a serious gun totin, chinese speakin, educated white Air Force officer friend of mine. Al Franken just call’s Bill a liar.) I just think he’s a big baby.

Here’s the text of an e-mail I sent him.

Hey you big baby!

I caught your comments on your interview with Terry Gross on the
O'Reilly Factor tonight. I listened to Terry's interview of you too. Its
true Terry did ask you quite a few questions about other peoples
comments on you. Not that you would every do that on your show. My god,
if people can get a whole sentence in before you pontificate its a
rarity. The difference is she gave you time to answer the questions and
didn't cut you off as soon as you started speaking. What's the problem
Bill, you can dish it out and can't take it? What a baby.

Stan Pisle
Berkeley CA


I somehow doubt he’ll air that on the O’Reilly Factor. Though I did misspell two words, so he might, so he can make fun of liberals in Berkeley. That’s the problem with us liberals. We are so sneaky an dishonest and would write bad sentences and misspell things to get an e-mail on TV.

I wonder if I can get Fox to sue me for calling Bill a baby?


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