Sunday, December 17, 2006

Limmericks Day 5, though just a poem.

From the North Pole Santa starts
To visit the world’s every parts
How does he make this miracle flight,
To every child in just one night?
On a sleigh fast as a dart,
Completely powered by reindeer farts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see quite a bit of the young man that I grew up with. Great sense of humor.

You really should run for President. I suspect you'll find it is way safer to be on the outside buring effigies than it is to make those tough decisions. not a Bush fan, but frankly, he is way too weak of a president to do anything that will have a lasting affect on this nation. And, I prefer this form of idiocracy to something that a Stalin or a Hussein would bring.

12:53 PM  

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