Friday, September 08, 2006

more metphors for my job

I've been getting asked by various people lately what I do. Mostly this has been caused by hanging out with people from work in bars various business trips etc. I get introduced as the boss, or the kind of sort of boss, by people on loan to me.

I did realize I really don't do much. Sit on the phone, listen into meeting all over the country and say: "Ah, I think we should do this or that. "

In reality I run a software development shop. Some asked recently what that was like.

I said, "Like getting eighty gay guys to agree on fashion statements for more than a day."

They are all easily distracted by the latest cool thing."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy! Fun to read your blog entries and chatting with uo last night...hope u got my pic. Hope we can meet up Sat. eve or Sun. afternoon. Let me know at

10:38 PM  

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