Thursday, February 24, 2005

Urban Renewal in Berkeley

I was repairing the sidewalk beside my house last night, handmixing cement. The contractors left this three foot section they cut out to do plumbing. I guess they decided not to replace it. No matter. Cement is only like $2.00 for a bag of 80 lbs. I have a trowel and mixing bin. My estimating ablities for materials leave a bit to be desired. I guessed four bags of cement, it took six. Estimation skills only get mentioned because, I had to make a subsquent trip to the Berkeley Orchard Supply at 8PM. Coming out I noticed a red Dodge Viper parked in the lot. I've always wanted one. If I was a foot shorter, I'd buy one. That is my excuse for why I haven't plopped down a $100K for one yet. But any way, the cars top glass pieces were removed and wood molding and 2x4's were extending beyond the roof line from the passenger side foot well. Somebody was using their 175 mile an hour, V-12 Viper as a pickup.

You have to love neighborhoods where you have to make a ton of dough just to buy a 1.2 million dollar fixer upper.

In un-related news, the bartender my professor friend and I go yap with on Wendesday night is moving to Oregon on Monday, so I guess, he and I will need to find a new place to drink beer. I'm lobbying for one of the Irish bars in town. They all have Boddingtons on tap. --Which yes, I know is a Manchester/English beer.


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