Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Gene Scott

Gene Scott the California Televangelist died yesterday. He was my kind of T.V. preacher. He loved sitting in a chair with a five day old beard, smoking a cigar while preaching on TV. In this pose he would go on about Pyramid inches. I never really understood pyramid inches, though I listened to Gene talk about them on TV a few dozen times. He’d catch my interest for a minute or two as I was channel surfing avoiding homework in college. Somehow he claimed that the Great Pyramid of Gisa predicted prophesy in the bible. I guess. I dunno. He was the one with the Ph’d in Theology. I mostly liked the fact that he always wore wild costumes while he was teaching/preaching. You never knew if he was going to be a Scotsman or a clown each day. Gene stretched some theories about the Bible. But you know something. He never used the Bible to condemn others. He thought that what was your personal life was a personal choice. -- And I have to admit, my tolerance for him was a lot higher than for Farwell, Swaggart, Robertson, and those other nincompoops. He never made me angry listening to him. Confused me a few times, but never angry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all loved your gene scott video, when will you make another || post the original ??????

7:27 PM  

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