Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Peeling shrimp and swallowing oysters.

So, I was up in Reno this weekend having dinner with my brother and sister in law. They were here/there for a national bowling tournament of some kind. I went up to ski with them while my brother was not bowling. We were sitting in a brew pub located in the Eldorado Casino eating “You Peel It” shrimp and I was doing oyster shooters. The two of them arrived late Saturday. I drove up Sunday. We skied on Monday. It was a casino restaurant, so the “You Peel It” shrimp were numerous, and as we were spending a lot of time peeling, I was remarking that “I had had to take a day off from work to do this.”

My brother remarked back that “I didn’t have to work on you hard to do that.”.

I retorted “Getting me an excuse to take a day off form work lately is not hard.”

My sister in law then followed up with a question that kind of left me speechless. She asked: “Exactly what is it you do?”

I have difficulty explaining that. It’s like peeling a lot of shrimp. It’s messy and you need cocktail sauce to make the main substance not be bland.

The easy answer is, I work for the phone company. Telling people this in a bar usually gets you a tirade about the fact they didn’t pay their phone bill at one point and now the company won’t let them have a phone. If they haven’t goofed up their credit rating by excessive 976 calls they explain how much they hate our DSL or Wireless service. So I try to keep public utility employment closeted. When they ask what I do for the phone company, I’m at loss for words. For one thing, I’m not a lineman or an operator, which is pretty much what people think of when they think of the phone company. I’m something much more nebulous. I’m in middle management. Not, senior management, not upper middle management, not lower middle management, but middle-middle management. I have only managers reporting to me, and I only report to managers. I’m a traffic cop for managers at a crossroads of the management track. My job is to keep traffic running. To do this I take irritating poorly thought out laws handed down by senior management (the governor and the legislature as an example), and therefore poorly interpreted by upper middle management, (the bureaucrats) and try keep people moving in appropriate and productive directions. While directing traffic I may not irritate the members of the governing body or its citizenry. I must also keep injury accidents to a minimum. Well, that is my interpretation of my job.

To most people in the company I would be considered the second level of deity. One of the gods, but only in charge of like snow flake patterns, nothing dangerous like wind, or thunder. Okay, maybe the let me do a little vengeance by implementing an earthquake on occasion. I did get out source eight employees this year. Woo Hoo! But like most perceived gods, I accomplished this by slight of hand. I’ll get to that in a minute. Most of my godly worship comes by means of my hire, fire, and compensation powers. When you want something or get in trouble, you have to come pray to me. All the managers below me can’t hire, fire, promote or give you a raise. They really can’t do much to affect your life. They just advise you to pray to me, or complain with you and agree life can be miserable. They are like priests: mortals. Educated, possessing certain high skills, but still just mortal. Mortals usually have to go to Gods to solve the problems they can’t figure out. But being a second level god praying to me is like praying to the patron saint of something. You don’t want to bother the real God with your issue, so you pray to one of the lesser deities. Us lessor gods are more likely to help out because we aren’t so busy running the whole universe. But unlike a patron saint, I’m the guy most people’s supervisors/priests use as a threat to keep you under control. “We could always bring this up with “The Director.” I mean, nobody every says, “Do what I say or I’ll ask St. Peter to lock the gates of heaven when you show up. --So much for being a saint. Actually, I’m a Senior Technical Director. I think this means I’m an older cop who understands how traffic signals work or something. But senior or not, I’m just a threat. But that’s what cops really are to most people: a threat from the government. We’ve all used that threat: “Cut that out, or I’m calling the cops.” Well at the phone company, a lot of people call me. --Mostly for domestic squabbles between workers. Then I’m not really a cop, I more of a counselor. But because I’m a cop and have a little authority and power in me, I get to lecture those squabbling. (I enjoy that part of my job.) When I’m not settling squabbles, I just sort of patrol my assigned area looking for problems. Occasionally I get asked for directions (hence the director title, I think) When not much trouble is brewing I spend a great deal of time filling out mindless detailed reports on squabbles I’ve long since settled or trying to figure out where I’m going to get lunch. Doesn’t this seem like a cop?

But that’s where I get back into this lessor deity thing. I was asked buy upper middle management to out source eight employees this year. To most employees this would be a disaster of biblical proportions: their jobs and lives are being threatened by the gods from Mount Olympus. But being a lesser deity with minor powers, I really just created new interesting jobs that eight of my employees had been praying for, then hired eight foreign contractors, to replace them. I laid off no one, but told the gods on the mountain I had done their bidding. (This was the slight of hand.) The Olympus gods smiled and wrote down this miracle to tell Zeus the next day. I’m sure they took credit for it.

But even understanding my job as a lesser deity/cop I was still at a loss an exact description for my sister in law could relate too. So I just kind of muddled through a abridged explanation of what I just discussed, and then swallowed another oyster shooter while she dipped a shrimp. She looked at my brother, peeling open his shrimp and said, “Why is it, he can just never answer my question?”

But have you ever met a cop or a lesser deity that gave you a straight answer? It’s a bit like “You Peel It” shrimp. There is going to be work on your part to get to the juicy morsels.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

My Friend has come home from War.

Captiain Ian Clunies-Ross landed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and had a steak at a resturant today.
He as spent the last thirteen months on active duty in Iraq.
I know his wife, his mother, his father, his brother, his close friends and relatives breath easier tonight.
May everyone else's friends and relatives return safely too!

Monday, March 22, 2004

A call for a constitutional amendment to protect egg dyeing.

So, I was grocery shopping in Oakland the other day, and I must say that because, I’m sure what I’m about to discuss is illegal in Berkeley. Outlawed by some progressive city council referendum. If not, we, the slightly obtuse citizens of Berkeley, know better. You see, when I got to the dairy isle, I found displayed in a most centrist and insidious way, pre-boiled and pre-dyed Easter eggs. Safeway Lucerne brand packaged in a transparent container. --An enticement to the lazy.

I suppose somewhere, someone, looked at these and said, "Wow, how convenient!" and snapped them up. But, as I was walking home --And yes burbites, I do walk to the grocery store. In fact, I walk to another town quite often to go to that grocery store. Impressive? Yes, but less when you consider its only three hundred yards to Oakland and another two hundred to the Safeway. I don’t always walk to the Oakland Safeway, sometimes I just walk up the Claremont Star Grocer. They just recently restored their historic sign with community donations and they still have old fashion “key in the amount” cash registers and a gamey butcher shop in the back! One of the girls at the grocer swears I look like the Slider’s guy, Jerry O’ Connell. I don’t see it, and I’m not too comfortable with the fact I look like the fat kid from "Stand by Me." Anyway, what was I ranting about? Oh yeah, eggs. I saw Henry Rollins Sunday night after the egg incident and my brain is all over the place. Think of this entry much like my driving when I’m telling a story. (George Metcalf and Bob Goodman can fill you in on that behavior. We are apt to miss a freeway exit.) So, back to these eggs.

It occurred to me that pre-dyed and pre-boiled eggs could be a symptom of what is wrong in America nowadays. Talk about a threat to traditional values. I mean, if we have reached the point where Moms and Dads, kids or friends can’t sit and mix a little vinegar and food coloring, our society is going to Hell. Its not going to be a Hell we all want to be in either. Safeway (and probably several other chain grocery stores) are attempting in erode one of the time honored traditional American crafts. A craft, which like early scribbling in a coloring book, is the seat of creativity in children: the discovery of the primary colors through coffee cups of red, yellow and blue soured white wine. What could be more American than a colored sour whine?

But no, Safeway wants you to buy their pre-boiled, pre-dyed eggs whose designs are all pre-determined. Hell, the dyeing is probably outsourced to India. (Worse, machine generated) The labor cost savings allows the eggs to be air freighted in each day. (I noticed the dyed eggs were cheaper by the dozen than fresh ones. What the Hell?) Is this what we want, an America where children’s creativity and labor is outsourced? Do we want Easter to become the same cookie cutter color pre-determined Hell the rest of suburbia has become? A Hell where everyone gets wrapped in a transparent wrappers and cooks at a pre-determine 2200.6 degrees. No extra frying for special sins, no baking slowly for slouching. Everyone has to suffer exactly the same? Now that is Hell. (Course, sometimes I think as boring as Heaven sounds with the “No dogs allowed” clause, “they have no souls”, that’s Hell.)

You know, the egg is supposed to be the symbol of rebirth. (I wonder if that’s why rabbits lay them? Cause they are so fertile?) How did a rabbit come to symbolize the rebirth of Christ? Can rabbits go to Heaven? If an egg is fertilized, and its hard-boiled before it hatches, does the cooked baby chicken embryo go directly to Heaven or does it think its in Hell? (Buddhists would just claim it is suffering. –Yes no one is safe in this.)

I mean this whole egg and Jesus thing kind of makes sense. Jesus made sense too, “The Kingdom of Heaven is here, deal with it. Do something with it here and now” But how did we get to labor saving eggs? Maybe Satan is behind this whole store bought colored egg thing? Such things seem sinful in Berkeley. Satan is behind sin right? Maybe its just us humans, cause we are all sinners according to the President.

I think its time for the President to weigh in on this. A constitutional amendment banning the sin of pre-dyed eggs. Its to protect the institution of Easter, family unity, and all that or eggs, art, or something. Please Mr. President, weigh in. We’ve missed your wisdom over on important national issues over the last few days.

--Damn, I promised I’d stop bagging on him. I should have given that up for Lent. I’m a sinner. Apparently a fat one that looks like some obscure actor from an cable show I’ve never seen.

Monday, March 15, 2004

I have a confession...

I know this morally wrong, but I’ve been dating two people. Actually, no, “dating,” is probably not the right term? It just feels like that. I’ve been seeing two different contractors about my house remodel. It feels like I’m dating. If I don’t call one of them for a couple days, they call me and ask how things are. They talk about what they can bring to the relationship. They mention how much they like me. They want to see if we can do something together soon. They ask to come over to my house. Sometimes they take me out too lunch. –And to be honest with you, sometimes, I see their Caller ID on the display, and I ignore them.

I say “people” because the two persons are guys. (Women contractors are few.) In the Bay Area where guys date guys a lot, this is an acceptable state of being. But, I’m not interested in these guys for a long-term relationship. More a short term deal. --They are never going to go to dinner with my parents.

I’ve got some immediate needs, when I’m done, I’m going to shake their hands, and probably never talk to them again. Oh, there will be the chance meetings around town or something. If a friend asks who they are, in casual conversation I’ll offer an opinion of their performance, and may even recommend them for a quick job if my friends are in similar need. But the “after relationship has ended time” is not the problem. These two guys both think, ultimately they are going to be the one. The one I settle down with. The one I build a home with. The one that gets to put a little tongue in groove and give my home a climax I been working towards for five years.

Guilt, like a horny dog, is humping my leg.

I’m really a serial monogamist. I don’t like this situation. I usually meet someone, decide whether I like them or not, and go from there. If I don’t like them, then there isn’t a relationship. Even when I hire new employees for my business, I don’t do it this way. I don’t talk to multiple people and play them off against each other. I look at one. Decide if I can work with them, then ask a few of my friends (fellow employees) if they think I’m crazy. If they think I’m sane, I drive into the relationship with the new employee. I don’t string anyone along. I don’t tell them they are the only one. But that’s what I’m doing with these guys

Well, no, I being honest with these two guys. I’ve told them there is another. They say they are okay with that. But I still feel guilty. It’s hard to go against your nature. I'm going to have to dump one of them.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Internet Advertising

As a side note. I noticed when you look at my blog, blogger calls up web adverts in a banner for you. The most popular banners I get are for George Bush dolls and Christian Reading Material. I can't wait till I start getting stuff for Sponge Bob and Gay Wedding Accessories. Next I'll be getting linked into right wing Christian websites.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Nailing things...

I bought a pneumatic nail gun the other day. Not one of the weenie ass brad nailers like you see on The New Yankee Workshop for building cute cabinets. (I already have one of those.) I’m talking full blown, three inch framing nail, nailer. The kind you sink into studs. It was a present to myself.

I bought it because we got our team award the other day at work. Most of you would refer to this item, “The Team Award”, as a bonus. But I work for a Fortune 500 company. We are part of the Dow Jones Average. We are admired. We have study groups that figure out good PC names for bonuses. Somewhere along the line they came up with the name: “Team Award.” I’m not sure why they call it that. It’s a just a bonus that we get every year that’s a percentage of our base salary. Now, the study group, we’ll call them the Board of Directors –which is really a bunch of the CEO’s buddies. (Other CEO’s from other company’s that he’s on the board of.), figure out the bonus pay out. It’s not a straight award/bonus, the CEO and his buddies come up with some new convoluted set of calculations to determine the amount every year. They set corporation goals, they develop plans, then at the end of the year, they pretend they didn’t do that. (Set the goals) They pretend that because at the end of the last four years they have realized they blew it, and we weren’t getting much money. Our CIO, (one of the CEO’s former buddies) said of this process once, “It always amazes me the a corporation can give away over a hundred million dollars a year to its employees and thoroughly piss them off in the process.” It was statements like that, that made him a former buddy. But anyway, your role on “the team”, determines on the percentage of your base salary you get out of this award. We call this, the “at risk” component of our compensation. --HR came up with that wording. It would appear some members of the team have more at risk than others. The CEO gets like 75 percent. The next highest is forty-five. The lowest is ten percent. (I’m medium important I’m somewhere between 75 and 10 percent) But with the CEO’s compensation so at risk you can see why he and his buddies pretend they didn’t come up with this criteria when they blow it. Well, anyway this year they finally came up with a formula were we got all the money for the first time in a few years. They were so impressed with getting right, they decided to keep the same criteria for next year. (This also gave them more time to go golfing after the board meeting.) So now that the CEO and his buddies finally nailed it, and I got some money, I was feeling pretty good and bought a pneumatic nailer to celebrate.

There is a lot to be said for a pneumatic nail gun. I could discuss the virtues of being able to instantly nail some stud in my new bathroom. Well, the one under construction. I could mention how I can now nail things as often as I want with out the aid of another person. (It’s like self gratification.) But that’s not really why I bought the nail gun. I bought it cause I’m a guy, I had a little extra money and I didn’t have to discuss it with anyone. –And now I’m doing what most guys only fantasize about: I’m nailing anything that comes within nailing distance of me and my gun. It’s heaven.

I bring this all up because I saw “The Passion of Christ” the other night. Christ was a carpenter you know. He went to heaven you know. But its funny, a guy who spent ninety percent of his life working with nails and wood hardly gets any of that mentioned in the memoirs of his life. If he had invented the pneumatic nail gun, which is my key to heaven , do you think that would be his big claim to fame? Course, nail guns are really kind of evil. They make mass production of homes possible, which leads to the factory looking tract homes, in Berkeley, those are considered evil. But nail guns nail perfectly every time with a single click and swoosh. No bent nails, no dented wood, no cussing. Cussing is evil. Elimination of cussing is good. Christ didn't cuss. (That's the urban ledgend. Have you ever met a capenter that didn't cuss?) Christ was a carpenter. Carpenters built most of the houses in Berkeley in the days before pneumatic nail guns. They were Christ like. Not evil worshipers of modern devices like I am. –And certainly not a person who would try and nail studs, like those guys who are getting married in SF do. But that’s a different kind of nailing and a different kind of stud. I wonder if Christ would cuss about that?

Strangely enough, I was thinking about that kind of nailing last night when I was running my nail gun. See there is a whole dogma of thought that the only time Christ ever got nailed, was when he was nailed to the Cross. That dogma holds that he was a bachelor and never had sex. In some respects that could be why he didn’t defend himself at the trial. I mean if you had gotten to thirty -three and had never had sex or gotten anyone to marry you, especially in a time of arranged marriages, and you couldn't even cuss about it, wouldn’t you sort of give up and commit suicide?

Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch. No lighting bolts have hit though. But there are a lot of people that would say I’m out on a limb here. But I’ve actually had seminary graduates tell me there is a good body of evidence that Jesus did more than just nail wood. Some have even claimed there is evidence he nailed few of his disciples. Both men and women. Yah, there were women disciples. Hopefully no fundamentalists or people who live in Texas are reading right now, cause, they’ll want me nailed. They’d nail me because they like to believe that if you are not married at 33, you shouldn’t be getting nailed. For that matter you should have never been nailed. –And you shouldn’t be thinking of nailing. This is mostly because, they can’t bring themselves to get or be nailed. They have a lot of nailing problems. Mostly they can’t nail down what it is that bothers them about the people who are getting nailed. Well, it’s a sin. But hey, we all know Christ committed suicide for our sins. (And people it was suicide, cause he was the living God, and he had to do was snap his fingers --after he removed the nails-- and put and end to it.) So what’s the problem? Christ gave us free license to go out an nail things.

But back to my trivial point here today. I highly recommend that every guy buy a pneumatic nail gun. For one thing as your mind clears because of the ease with which can mate studs now when building a new framework around you, your thoughts can wander. You can contemplate how easy nailing has gotten in the modern world. How much tools have become a labor saving device. How carpenters have it so much easier now than in the days of Christ. Now that we have nailing devices we can focus our attention more on nailing other things that are presented to us. Maybe I should buy our CEO and the Board a set of nail guns so they can clear their minds and quickly nail good strategies. Maybe I should buy every thirty-three year old guy who doesn’t get nailed a gun so he can nail things.

At $200 dollars a pop its about the same price as 60 minutes of therapy. –And I guarantee they’ll feel better after just one session of working with nailer. Why, I could lower the suicide rate with pneumatic nailers. Christ said Peter had the key to his kingdom. But I think it was Porter-Wagner!

Yes, I’m ducking lighting bolts as you read.