Thursday, October 02, 2003

I've been found......

So, my brother found my web blog yesterday. Somebody must have put in link somewhere on a web page. Cause, its never shown up in google till now. But I guess he did a search on my name. There it was. I hope Dad doesn’t do a search on the name, he’ll wonder “What the hell?” I never killed Sponge Bob.

My brother sent me a comment on my death of Sponge Bob entry. This left me wondering why he was searching on my name. I mean, could Montana really be that boring? The snow hasn’t even flown yet and he probably did this at work. Doesn't he have any work to do?

Course, why am I writing it, he asked? I didn’t know. Maybe its cause the snow will never fly in Berkeley. So, I don’t have much to keep my mind occupied. Maybe it’s the instant notoriety I can get from google. Maybe its because, its more fun to write about the people around me, than me itself. Who cares what I do anyway.

I was still puzzled why my brother was searching on my name, and mentioned this to my friend Scott, who admitted he does searches on me too. My friend Dan Paul mentioned this also. Dan said there wasn’t much there. We all need to get a life. So, I started this blog.

What instant notoriety! Googling me gets you a link to my blog, a bunch of web pages for a backpacking newsletter published by the Boy Scouts, and a listing to the credits of documentary called “Hooked.” Its about gay guys who look for sex on the internet. I guess those google results just let you know, be careful what you do in life. You can be admitting to murdering Sponge Bob, and if you give someone a little money for a film project your brother may call you up and make fun of you one day. It’s a pretty funny film if you have the stomach for that sort of thing. I live in Berkeley, we had to pass the strong stomach test just to apply for admittance.


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