Friday, August 22, 2003

Problem with the Republican Party today?

Faith based everything.

What use to be the pragmatic radical party of Lincoln, has been hijacked by the Christian Right, which looks to God to solve the world’s issues.

Well, that’s harsh. They look to faith to solve all issues.
Have faith in George and he’ll solve our problems.

Problem is:

Faith doesn’t balance checkbooks.

Course, George has never had to balance one.

Problem with the Republican Party today?

Faith based everything.

What use to be the pragmatic radical party of Lincoln, has been hijacked by the Christian Right, which looks to God to solve the world’s issues.

Well, that’s harsh. They look to faith to solve all issues.

Have faith in George and he’ll solve our problems.

Problem is:

Faith doesn’t balance checkbooks.

Course, George has never had to balance one.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

I'm considering running a write in campaign for governor. The following are things I think I can do for the state.

1. Think out of the box on revenue sources for the States.

As a single man, I won't need all the space in the governer's mansion. I'll take on Sac State students
as roommates. I'll give the rent I collect back to the state coffers.

2. Rethink Prop 209. It basically tried to exclude illegal immigrants.

I'd let them in. When they find work, I'd charge them a surcharge for work they find in the state.
Better to tax them, than to spend money trying to remove them.

3. Employee the Highway Partol as a late night taxi service.

If drunk people could just call their local patrolman for a lift home, it would get drunk drivers off the

4. Tax stupidity.

This will bring in more money from the average Republican and Democratic zealot than any kind of
normal sin tax.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I've been exchanging e-mails with my friend Claude down in LA. Turns out a common friend of ours has been employeed lately as the night manager of an all night male only strip club in SF: The Nob Hill Theater.

For the ridiculous price of $30 you can sit in an audience and watch guys strip down to pretty much nothing. Well nothing and certain applicable paraphenalia. (This involves rings and leather straps for those of you not in the know.) For tips they will do it in your lap, or closer if so inclined to provide even more money. I have not been. In any of the previous scenarios.

Now this friend, previously had a burgeoning career with online travel agency, which while still around, is a little leaner and meaner these days. Translation: the friend was laid off. After a couple years of writing a novel (apparently now finished) he has landed this new job in late evening theater. In an effort to improve business he started what I have coined "The open mic strip."

He sent out the following announcement the other day.

As you may or may not know, I've been working as a dj/night manager at the Nob Hill Theater since finishing work on my novel.

On the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, I'll be hosting our amateur hour. There's history, comedy, and of course the contest. I'm scripting the shows myself and they're really a lot of fun. Our first shot at this gave us the largest Wednesday night gross of the year.

Since we have a discount rate for parties of six or more I'm inviting you all to come this Wednesday at around 8:30 for the nine o'clock show. Tix will be $20 apiece for all if only three of you come and bring a friend. No alcohol is served on the premesis but the club is BYOB.

Those foolhardy souls who want to compete for cash prizes can get in for free by signing up to strip at 8pm. One theatergoer of the competitor's choice gets a $20 admission.

I will likely not be attending.

Monday, August 11, 2003

When I heard about the right honorable Terminator was going to run, I thought: "Hmm, it may be worth the $3500 and bumping a few friends for signatures, just so I could get on TV with Arnold."
I even started thinking about what my pat answers to the political questions were.

For instance:

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle do you agree with the President that we are all sinners."

Answer: "Hmm, the real question is: are sinners evil doers? The President seems to be pre-occupied with evil-doers. If we accept that we are all sinners (President included) his point was we can't worry to much about what each other is doing (I may be going out on a limb here for Bush's thinking capacity. A lot of times when you want to avoid an issue, its best to quote the Bible.) However, we only need to worry about sinners who worry about others sinners and decide to do what is God's work and do evil to sinners. They are the evil doers. Evil doers are a special kind of sinner which God let's us punish here on earth. Regular sinners we leave for God to punish. But in general I think God should punish the President."

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle I have a follow up question on that. Are you a sinner, or an evil doer."

Answer: "According to the President, I am a sinner. Who am I to question him? The only thing evil I've ever done is run for Governor. Though I think the determination of sin is not outlined in the Constitution as a Federal power. So its really up to the States to decide. But as Governor, I don't really plan to take up the issue of sin or evil doing for that matter."

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle, you are registered Democrat, so apparently you're running, against the current governor and as the leader of your party. What do you think of Gray Davis's Record."

Answer: "I think the governor would make a very boring record actually. It wouldn't go platinum or even gold. We need someone who can at least keep comic impersonators in business. My opponent Arnold for instance. He would be great boost to the Mom and Pop comedy shops in California. If we can get them going again it would contribute to tax base of California. If I'm elected, I think I would find a place for him in government somewhere."

Interviewer: "I have a follow up on that."

Answer/Interruption: "I have a question: do interviewers get extra pay for follow-ups? And how much do you get paid to stand outside of courtrooms and track homes in obscure places of the country and rattle off the same babble as the twenty men and women lined up next to you? Though I want to thank you for the revenue the commercial's contribute the to tax base of California. It really helps us fund all these bizarre social programs my party thinks up like: K-12 education. But don't get me wrong I like media frenzies, because the make you guys buy more satellite trucks and they have really high commercial vehicle licensing fees.

Interviewer: "Do you think the governor handled the energy crisis well?"

Answer: "You mean the power thing? Well, we have electricity now don't we? I mean its not being cut off anymore or anything. I think there are a lot off Republicans who lost there ass on PG&E, ENRON and a few other Energy Stocks. So they are mad at Gray. And somebody should pay for that. Figuratively, I mean. Lose their job. Probably because, Gray decided to turn the other cheek and just pay the sinners at ENRON etc. he became an evil doer. We already know what the President says we should do about them."

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle, I understand you live in Berkeley and are a little taxed on land had have decided to build a roof garden? What was you thinking behind that, and how is that project coming along."

Answer: "That project is on hold, while I run for Governor."

[ Fri Aug 08, 11:39:46 AM | Stan Pisle | edit ]
When I heard about the right honorable Terminator was going to run, I thought: "Hmm, it may be worth the $3500 and bumping a few friends for signatures, just so I could get on TV with Arnold."
I even started thinking about what my pat answers to the political questions were.

For instance:

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle do you agree with the President that we are all sinners."

Answer: "Hmm, the real question is: are sinners evil doers? The President seems to be pre-occupied with evil-doers. If we accept that we are all sinners (President included) his point was we can't worry to much about what each other is doing (I may be going out on a limb here for Bush's thinking capacity. A lot of times when you want to avoid an issue, its best to quote the Bible.) However, we only need to worry about sinners who worry about others sinners and decide to do what is God's work and do evil to sinners. They are the evil doers. Evil doers are a special kind of sinner which God let's us punish here on earth. Regular sinners we leave for God to punish. But in general I think God should punish the President."

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle I have a follow up question on that. Are you a sinner, or an evil doer."

Answer: "According to the President, I am a sinner. Who am I to question him? The only thing evil I've ever done is run for Governor. Though I think the determination of sin is not outlined in the Constitution as a Federal power. So its really up to the States to decide. But as Governor, I don't really plan to take up the issue of sin or evil doing for that matter."

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle, you are registered Democrat, so apparently you're running, against the current governor and as the leader of your party. What do you think of Gray Davis's Record."

Answer: "I think the governor would make a very boring record actually. It wouldn't go platinum or even gold. We need someone who can at least keep comic impersonators in business. My opponent Arnold for instance. He would be great boost to the Mom and Pop comedy shops in California. If we can get them going again it would contribute to tax base of California. If I'm elected, I think I would find a place for him in government somewhere."

Interviewer: "I have a follow up on that."

Answer/Interruption: "I have a question: do interviewers get extra pay for follow-ups? And how much do you get paid to stand outside of courtrooms and track homes in obscure places of the country and rattle off the same babble as the twenty men and women lined up next to you? Though I want to thank you for the revenue the commercial's contribute the to tax base of California. It really helps us fund all these bizarre social programs my party thinks up like: K-12 education. But don't get me wrong I like media frenzies, because the make you guys buy more satellite trucks and they have really high commercial vehicle licensing fees.

Interviewer: "Do you think the governor handled the energy crisis well?"

Answer: "You mean the power thing? Well, we have electricity now don't we? I mean its not being cut off anymore or anything. I think there are a lot off Republicans who lost there ass on PG&E, ENRON and a few other Energy Stocks. So they are mad at Gray. And somebody should pay for that. Figuratively, I mean. Lose their job. Probably because, Gray decided to turn the other cheek and just pay the sinners at ENRON etc. he became an evil doer. We already know what the President says we should do about them."

Interviewer: "Mr. Pisle, I understand you live in Berkeley and are a little taxed on land had have decided to build a roof garden? What was you thinking behind that, and how is that project coming along."

Answer: "That project is on hold, while I run for Governor."

[ Thu Jul 31, 04:12:26 PM | Stan Pisle | edit ]
I spent lunch in the park. Turns out we had five people in the group have birthdays this month so we ran Chevy's in the park. Course, this is because the two women who normally do this sort of thing were the birthday girls, and didn't think anyone could do a good job. We managed. Afterwards we made fun of the Gray Davis recall. I'm still trying to figure out my brethern and sisteren Californians.