Sunday, May 11, 2008

I lack stimulus

So, it’s Mother’s Day. I called my Mom. We talked about the usual things. Somehow we got on the subject of the Government Stimulus Package. My brother used his stimulus to buy a barbeque (not sure if was American made) and was going to cook steaks for Mother’s day. Stimulating steaks I guess. I said I hadn’t got my check yet. She said, she doubted I would get one. So I checked on the IRS Website. (The have a stimulus calculator.) Indeed, I don’t qualify. So, much for the government stimulating me.

It's ok, I was going to mail it back. This saves me 42 cents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A correction must be made....the barbeque was paid for by 2007 Tax refund. The stimulus money will be used to buy my wife a boob job.

This message provided by Scott the stimulated brother

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say Hi to Scott for me

1:02 PM  

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