Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Avoiding the burrito stuffing

Alright, I’ve been listening off and on to the Presidential debates for six months now.
--More off, than on.

There are lots of issues being batted around. The debates seem more a game of shuttlecock between stuffy people in suits uncomfortable with the racket they chose.
The point, keep the cock afloat and don’t let it land on your side of the court. I’m waiting for the cock to land anywhere at this point. The political commentator’s aren’t helping the game much, spending hours admiring the passing cock and suggesting how they would play the game if they could bat a cock around.

So, I, in my humble writer’s garret, will take a bat at a couple of the cocks up in the air. First shuttlecock afloat: “Immigration.”

Summary of candidates batting back and forth:

By what method do we eject our own brand of infidels? (Mexican’s mostly.)

While we are designing Yankee infidel ejection weapons, what do we do with infidels we have given jobs to keep them busy? (Things like carpentry, gardening, and other basic jobs our Big Gulp soda drinking Doritos asses aren’t in good enough shape do anymore.)

--And finally, my favorite play, “Ew, Ew, I hire less Mexican’s than you!!!!”

My return bat:

Who are most of the illegal immigrants. Mexicans.
What states are they in mostly? Border states with Mexico.

Why is that? Well, for one thing, those states: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California were all once part of Mexico.

How did those states end up in the U.S? Enterprising Americans snuck across the border with Mexico and in two cases (Texas and California) started little rebellions to overthrow the government and basically steal the states from the Mexico. In Arizona and New Mexico our Federal Government started a war, over the fact the Mexican’s didn’t think we stole Texas fair and square, and we stole Arizona and New Mexico in the process. Except the nub of New Mexico and the bottom part of Arizona we paid for that. Though, even then, we kind of ripped-off Mexico by not paying the agreed amount.

If anyone should be mad at anyone, Mexican’s could be at us. Instead they just ignore the borders, and take the jobs Americans are too fat to take.

But that’s not really the issue. The issue is most Mexicans aren’t really. They’re the decedents of the Aztec’s and Mayans, the native North Americans. That group had never recognized European rights to land in North America. So why should they pay attention to our borders now?
The real problem is, we European decedents (show me an Asian or African descended person who gets publicly upset about immigration) are afraid the Native North Americans may have figured a way to get their continent back. They’ll just move in and absorb us by doing the things we are too lazy to do, like prepare our own food.

--And while we can’t stand that, and will not talk about as we drive our Hummers down to the burrito shop, what we are really afraid of is, one of these days they, the Native North Americans, will herd us all up and use us as corn fed cattle to be butchered, chopped and rendered for the burritos they eat. -That or they are going to take all our money at the casino tables.


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