Thursday, August 03, 2006

My latest interpetation of my day Job.

My boss was out last week. She went Ireland, and a few of our systems (not one's my people maintain, but ones someone else that reports to her maintain) went South. I was filling in for her for the week, and the guy who was suppose to be maintaining the southern systems, went on vacation too. Antartica I think. He sounded like a penguin when he got back. That left me doing her job, and his job. I felt like the guy who casually mentioned a desire for a position of more challenge one day in a career counseling session, and the next was handed command of the Titanic. --Ten seconds before iceberg contact.

I did manage to save the ship. I mean it hit the iceberg. Twice, cause, the old captain failed to mention his steering officer was quiting too, and the guy who he left on watch was basically a deck hand.

Let's just say, I learned a lot about the ship quick, and managed to keep it from sinking and drowning anyone. I have one group of passengers and crew bailing water, and the band fixing the holes. We probably need to check into dry dock for repairs. Though I just a wireless message, "Glad to here crisis is over. When can you resume Trans Atlantic Service?"

Sounds like a good time to go on vacation and hand over the helm to someone wanting a challenge.


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