Thursday, January 26, 2006

I've alway wanted to write that.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

So, its my birthday.

I turned 45 today. Ack....

I was involved in a conversation with the SO on this subject tonight. I said I was now 45 and 11 hours and 17 minutes. I was born at 12:14 PM Central Standard time in 1961. (Shawnee County Kansas.) I was corrected and it was pointed out that having lived on the West Coast most of my life now, I might be two hours younger. (This was suppose to make me feel better, or younger, I guess.) I discounted this with relative times and pointed out I was born at 10:14 Pacific. It was now 9:31PM Pacific which still made me 45 and 11 hours and 17 minutes.

Though to be honest I'm sitting in Chicago on Central time, so I'm sure I'm 45, 11 hours, 17 minutes. (or more as I type.)

I mentioned to the SO that given all the high speed travel I done in my life on airplanes, Einstein's Relativity theory may be in play here. High velocity objects see time relatively slower that low velocity objects. So, all the plane trips I'd had could have added up to me being younger or slower. Anyway, I might be actually 11 hours younger, given my jet travel. I could still be 44.

The SO thought, "Well, maybe."

I think I lost that argument.

That aside I'[ve included all the goofy e-mail happy birthday greetings people sent me.


Dear tiny elk Happy Birthday to your smallness. I am finally home after 25
plus hours of travel a veritable mound of quivering flesh pain. (Professor Mike)

Hi Stan,

Your godson wanted to make sure that I sent Happy Birthday wishes…hope you have an enjoyable day!


Hey Stan,Just wanted to say happy birthday.
Thinking of you, Wente, all you've givento your friends, scouting, and beyond.
Wishing you the best!


P.S. Photos from my wedding on October 8th. (Amazing how time flies!)www.northcountryphotography.comthen click on View an Event Hereand select Cote-Terborgh wedding

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a good one.

SO they are both interested and their email for your records is and
I believe erics is

So far it is going to be Ian without mary-kay and maisy, Eric and Gailen, and me.

Oh, yeah Happy fucking Birthday. JOhn

Urgent Message!

Happy Birthday to You….
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
And many, many more. Enjoy your special day!!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Redstone Rocket Report

For those of you who followed my Redstone Rocket stories back in the Spring. (Monday, May 23, 2005) I have an update. We did finally get the thing launched. It flew. --Much like a car runs with fuel pump problems, choking on hills. Yay! Another triumph for determination and lots of money tossing.

As my job was only to get the things through launch test, actual launches and payload delivery to orbit and on going operations were left to the crazy people who thought up the idea of welding Redstone rockets together.

It should be noted that to date a few payloads have blown up on the way to orbit or been lost after orbit. (Mysteriously) This was been spun as "more that fifty percent of missions are succeeding. " However, it turned out the mysteriously lost payloads were kind of raining radioactive material from payload batteries on unsuspecting people in the flight path. Congress and several state governments are investigating.

I'm kind of glad my new job is to teach computers to talk.