Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Redstone Rocket Report

For those of you who followed my Redstone Rocket stories back in the Spring. (Monday, May 23, 2005) I have an update. We did finally get the thing launched. It flew. --Much like a car runs with fuel pump problems, choking on hills. Yay! Another triumph for determination and lots of money tossing.

As my job was only to get the things through launch test, actual launches and payload delivery to orbit and on going operations were left to the crazy people who thought up the idea of welding Redstone rockets together.

It should be noted that to date a few payloads have blown up on the way to orbit or been lost after orbit. (Mysteriously) This was been spun as "more that fifty percent of missions are succeeding. " However, it turned out the mysteriously lost payloads were kind of raining radioactive material from payload batteries on unsuspecting people in the flight path. Congress and several state governments are investigating.

I'm kind of glad my new job is to teach computers to talk.


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