Friday, May 20, 2005


I went to see Star Wars III, actually VI, today. Took a long lunch and combined it with my staff meeting, skipped another meeting, and bingo, I got see Yoda Jedi Master kick Imperial ass. It only took 27 years from when I saw Luke use the Force. But I'm patient.

Best scene in the movie (based on a survey taken at my local punk bar Thursday night) : Yoda walking into the Emperor's chamber. He waves his hands and two Imperial guards drop into uncounciousness. Yoda crosses his arms and says, "So, you are the dark lord." (I'm here to kick your ass.) Well, he didn't say that, but you knew he was going too.

It kind of reminded me of my favorite writing professor in college, NVM Gonzales. He was the Phillipine National Poet. He passed away a few years back, but not in my mind. Anyway, he would sit in class on Friday's and all of us students would come to the master. He'd cross his arms and say in broken English. "So, stories to tell, you think you have?"

He then reduced us to rubble.

But learned, I have, from old master Gonzales. Course, from reading this blog you don't get to see much of that. But I use his teachings to play tricks on the weak of mind.


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