Sunday, December 26, 2004


I was out for my annual Christmas hike and dinner at Piazza DeAnglelo in Mill Valley last night. It’s a tradition at this point. I gather a few friends of certain categories, specifically:

1. Ian (AWOL to Seattle with his amazing wife -- have to get a plug in for her as I'll be sleeping
in her basement next week after flying to Seattle to see the Neil Diamond Cover Band, Super
Diamond )

2. A guest homosexual, (a tradition started 10 years ago with my friend Josh who had
recently come out of the closet)

3. Myself (Though I skipped in Dec 2000, as I went to see my niece born. She has yet to
accompany me on the hike.)

4. Anyone else we can trick into hiking two miles through the mud at sunset in Dec.

5. Former hikers of previous years. Usually former guest homosexuals who want to see who
the new guest is. Its actually a good way to meet other quality homosexuals who are into
nature, friendship and Italian food.

We walk to the beach, drink one beer, eat cookies and then have a brown mouse steal at least one cookie. Then trudge up hill through the mud, sweat a lot and go to eat fairly high end Italian food after changing clothes.

A couple notes:

1. The mouse only started stealing our cookies a few years back when
Da'le (guest homosexual in 1999 for the first time, and claimer that his single syllable name
has two. Hence, the weird spelling.) accompanied us for the first time. He brought a small tin
of ginger cookies he’d baked. We heard a clinking sound, illuminated the open cookie tin with
our cell phone LCD’s and there it was, brown and holding a ginger cookie. It was Christmas
Eve, and the mieces were stirring. We used cell phone LCD's because we forgot flashlights.

2. The real trick on this hike is to be the guest homosexual. Its a place of high honor.
Last year it was Gil. This year it was John. Though I think I forgot to mention to John
he was guest homosexual. I hope he doesn't mind.

The specifics set up on this situation, I should mention this year, I also failed to make the hike. After all I did break a bone in my foot a few weeks back. It still hurts and trekking through the mud seemed like a bad idea. But eating milk fed veal on the Mass of Christ at Piazza De Angelo did not.

"Milk Fed Veal," has caused a few issues over the years. We tend to invite vegan on this hike. This causes certain squirming when I order. What is the deal about that? I mean veal = baby cow. What do baby cows eat? Milk. Big deal! Though vegans seem to get all upset about the fact these baby cows have only been fed milk. What we can't murder cattle before they chewed cud to eat? (I refer you back to my blog entry on dating vegans on Sept 30, 2003.) I really don’t have anything against vegans. I’m practically a vegetarian based on doctor’s orders about my cholesterol. But I like to pick on them cause they don’t like pragmatism.

Where was I? Oh, the veal was good. It probably was murdered before its time. But I liked it. So I had skipped the hike and went directly to Piazza De Angelo'. You know what I ordered. What else should I tell you?

Ok, our waiter was a little gay. (I'm considering him for guest homo next year.) He was just a little too intense for me, and Gil, John, and every one else there. He would not bring me butter. I think he secretly has been meeting with my doctor and plotting against me to lower my cholesterol. Though I must admit, it’s nearly impossible to get butter for your bread at Piazza. No matter how many times you ask. (I've succeeded only once in ten years. Last night was not the one.) But it’s a game/tradition I hold onto each year at Christmas, me against the flippy waiters of Piazza. I’ve trekked though the wilderness to pay reverence to the Christ Child and need a gift of butter. I instead get pesto.

Okay, so we are eating out PESTOed not BUTTERED bread and George Lucas decides to come in and sit down a couple tables away. See how famous a tradition the hike and dinner has become? George Lucas came. No he wasn’t guest homosexual. He’s married. I know, I know he works in Hollywood and that doesn’t mean anything, but I don’t think he’s a homo. He ordered veal though.

Okay, enough crap about Piazza. I decided to list all the guest homosexuals over the years.
2004 – John – Ordered butternut stuff ravioli much to our envy.
2003 – Gil – Canadian Jewish transplant. Says “A” a lot. Worked with me at
Pac Bell.
2002 - Professor Mike – Professor of Classics. Part of my Wednesday
night beer club. He subsequently has went to Argentina for Christmas thereafter.
2001 - None. Ian and I walked on the beach, and went to the Cliff house. So much for tradition.
2000 – None, I went to see my niece at the ripe old age of 1 day. Da’le and Ian hiked. I’m not sure if Da’le felt honored.
1999 - Da’le. His other claim to fame is unusually large testicles. I’ll take his word for it.
1998 - Phil – We skipped Piazza that year, and went to Mel’s Drive in before going to Yale’s house to do Hanukah stuff.
1997 – Tom – PH’d in Computer Science from MIT. Wrote his first operating system the summer he was 15. ( I got my drivers license went camping in Canada.) Tom also was quite concerned we drank a beer, walked two miles and then drove. He didn’t feel safe. (Vegan)
1996 - Josh – Ian and my friend from Camp. He now lives in England with his boyfriend Steph. We see him on occasion. He main concern that year was the hill we had to climb back up from the beach. Each year its smaller than I remember it.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Departing Reality.

I broke a bone in my foot a couple Sunday’s back. It hurts just a tad. I spent a week or so on crutches, and since have been limping and dropping pain killers of one type or another. Good prescription pain killers can give you some National Geographic level dreams. I’ve had a few. Everything from my building a side deck on one of the towers of the World Trade Center, which was some how connected to my house in Berkeley and having my dog jump between them, and eventually falling to his death, to typical flying dreams. (I don’t have a dog btw.) But somewhere in my minor suffering of the last week I realized I don’t care much about the real world anymore. My President seems to be lost in a dream world. I decided to enter it too. I want that look of bliss he always has on his face. As a result, I’m not going to write anything that is remotely true for the next ten or so entries in this blog. It will all be fantasy, dream world, romance novel, sci-fi type stuff. You have been warned. Now, I know a few of you are going to take it serious. I suppose there might be something I write that is true. I may slip up. Your job as readers, and members of our planet is to try and figure out when I think I’m telling the truth and when I might be just writing on Vicodin.