Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hold long has this "thing" been here?

I’m pretty sure I already had Covid-19.  For Superbowl weekend I hung in Vegas. When you consider 20 hours at the PaiGow tables, sitting in a room full of thousand Superbowl fans for the game, then walking the crowded streets and eating at Caesar’s Buffet.  I interacted with a few thousand people.

A couple days after I got back, I came down with the weirdest cold/flu.  My body hurt, but I didn’t have a sore throat, but I coughed. A cough so dry and irritating I could only sleep if I kept throat lozenges in my cheek while I slept. No phlegm. I ran a fever of 101.    I was exhausted and short of breath.  The slightest effort left me gasping for air.  I spent four days in bed, sleeping it off.  The fever broke after day two.  My first thought was, “Wow, the flu vaccine didn’t work well at all this year.”

In retrospect, I probably had Corona virus. Hard to tell without a test. I mention this, as I think it may have been here long before anyone expected. California’s governor has just announced draconian measures to stop the spread of the virus.  It may be late.  I wonder if this will become like HIV. You should get tested to see if you are the modern equivalent of Typhoid Mary.  Now if we just had those tests.