Tuesday, December 31, 2019

David Tikva - Fraudulent Unlicensed General Contractor.

To who it may concern.

David Tikva of the the following address:

317 Hanover Street 
Oakland CA 94610

is conducting business using a contractor's license which does not belong to him.
He uses Bay Area Home Remodeling Inc which is registered to another individual.

He used most of the funds for my project for personal expenses, and not project work.
He fails to pull proper building permits.
He bounces checks with sub-contractors.

He had been reported to the California Contractor's License Board for fraudulent practices.
He was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors.  He failed to appear in court and currently has a felony arrest warrant against him.   
Alameda Superior Court Case 20-CR-012705 

Do not engage this person.  If he is involved in a contract with you, cancel it immediately.

He currently has $44,000 of my money.

Since posting this, I have been contacted by three other individuals which David has ripped off with various investment schemes.  Amounts have varied between $3-17,000.  Do not get involved financially in anyway with this individual. 

Stan Pisle.