Sunday, February 01, 2009

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road.

I was asked on Facebook why the chicken crossed the road. They only gave room for two sentences. So I decided to go into more depth here. Yes, I was killing time, as I refused to watch the Superbowl.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The chicken crossed to road in a vague attempt to challenge billions of humans to ponder their own existence. Unable to determine their own purpose on the planet, humans for millennia, have created hypothetical situations for points of conversation. While humans complete their own road crossing between birth and death the hypotheticals fill the time. In reality a chicken has never crossed the road, but humans find consideration of the possibility something to argue about. Whole books have been dedicated to the chicken crossing the road question and its companion hypothetical: “Which came first the chicken or the egg?” In reality, the answer doesn’t matter. What matter’s is that humans are willing to consider, choose sides and even defend to the death, their reasoning behind the Chicken Questions.

From a chicken’s perspective, the humans are simply captors. There are no free chickens in the world. Just cage fowl forced into slavery for meat and egg production. While alive, chickens rarely have access to a road on the farm or in the factory to cross. In mordern times, the only way a chicken crosses the road is in the pre-natal or post-mortem state. In these states, there is no perception of the world, as the chickens are not conscious, therefore the road does not exist. In the conscious state, the chickens have little better to do than cluck out conversation while fattening and plopping out eggs. So from the Chicken’s point of view, he or she crossed the road to fill up time between hatching and eventual consumption by the humans pondering his or her crossing.