Friday, January 02, 2009


--Had a dream last night. For some reason I found myself on the Starship Enterprise. We encountered a strange race of non-corporeal beings. (Difficult to say if I was stuck in the original series, Next Generation of Deep Space 9, the beings looked like little diamonds). The beings found it very weird that humans inhabited bodies, and offered to convert all of us to non-corporeal existence. Being human, we were all unsure. So, the beings offered us a trial period of just 1 hour to see if we liked it, with a body back guarantee. We all agreed. Just as they were about to convert us, and I was going to know what non-corporeal existence was like, the Berkeley Fire Department went by the house sirens a blazing. I was abandoned back into my body unable to re-conjure my dream.

I blame this entire event on the excessive amount of Cajun Garlic Sauce I accidently dumped on my black-eye beans and rice and then elected to eat at the Clunies-Ross house several hours before. Happy New Year, and continued long corporeal existence.