Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Report on the Berkeley Demographic

I know you are all sitting in West Virginia with baited hooks and moonshine.

It’s 11:54 and people are still sounding horns outside my house.
Berkeley apparently agrees with election results.
I’m over it. I have an 8:00AM meeting at work.
Call me a Conservative.

Telegraph Ave is blocked by the police at Blake.
A few thousand students have gathered and chanting and shooting off fireworks.
Barrack had the 19-20 year old demographic locked up.
Well, in Berkeley.

Most of our local tax initiatives, in Berkeley, seem to be passing.
In California, they seem to be failing.
I’ll need a raise or I’ll need to move.

Apparently, the fast train to LA initiative will not pass.
So I’m stuck taking airplanes.
But why would I want to go to LA anyway?

My chickens and cows will have more space to wander around
before they are butchered for my consumption.
I hope they are not tougher.
If I really cared about that, I shoot a deer in the mountains.

Looks like Prop 8 is going to pass and gay marriage will again be illegal in CA?
Should I ask Brian for my wedding gift back, I gave him and Peter?
The finally did ask me to thier reception.
They had some cancellations and could fit me in.