Saturday, October 04, 2008

Five questions Barrack should ask John

I've been watching the debates. They look more like squabbles more about what the other person thinks the other isn't doing. Not much about what the actual debators are doing. A lot of stuff about how each others plans won't work, rather than how John McCain or Barrack Obama think their plan will work. Sort of a "His plan is worse than my plan strategy." I get a lot chores around the house done when they are on.

When I was in college, I use to win debates by asking questions. I didn't have to out argue my opponents, just show how dumb their arguments were by asking them questions which showed they hadn't thought them out too well.

You probably might guess I'm a Barrack supporter. I have to be. I live in Berkeley. Every other house and car has a Obama sign. But I have to say. I've been watching him an Joe in the debates and they are choking . If I was there I wouldn't be debating John McCain point for point. I'd be asking him questions. Here are five I'd like answered.

If “The Surge” is working, why are we still loosing 20-30 soldiers a week in Iraq?

What is an acceptable alternative to 20-30 soldiers a week?

Statistics show an estimated 22,000 Americans will die pre-maturely this year because they don’t have medical insurance. Is that a sacrifice similar to the sacrifice we ask our soldiers make? Why don’t you support an alternative? Should we put the uninsured in the military and send them to Iraq as we don't seem to care much about them anyway?

The reason Iran is developing a nuclear weapon is its neighbor has invaded them and greatest military power in world won’t even talk to them and openly speaks of wanting their government overthrown. In that case wouldn’t you want to protect yourself? Can you really blame Iran? When was the last time we actually reached out to them with something besides a threat?

Given the fact bankers and financial firms have lost the majority of Americans 401K savings in the last five years and have taken the nation to the brink of depression through greed. Why are you opposed to regulation of the industry, can you name one successful deregulation that has succeeded?