Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What the war can buy us

The Iraq and Afghanistan war (really the Iraq War) is going to cost the United States:


this year.

That is $188 billion for those of you not use to using that many zero’s in your check book.

When you lump it all together, it doesn’t sound like a lot of money. At least not out of a 3 trillion dollar Federal budget. It’s only six percent.

For fun I just thought I’d tell you want that money could buy.

1. Full Medical coverage for 22 Million Americans.
–That’s at my company medical plan rate.

--without the big volume discount we’d get for the extra 22, 675, 000 members we’d be adding. It’s a nice plan too.

2. 104 complete rebuilds of the Bay Bridge. –The fancy design.
-- 940 of the Arnold design

3. 2.4 Million Habitat for Humanity (fancy) houses in New Orleans

4. 125 Million Acres of Montana Real Estate
–That would be like buying Vermont and New Hampshire
–On next year's budget we could give everyone a habitat for humanity house
on a half acre in Montana.

5. Give drug therapy to every last person in the world currently afflicted with HIV six times over for the whole year.

6. Buy the entire fleet production of the U.S. Automakers for a year.
--That’s 5.5 Million vehicles.

7. Generate 62, 666 Megawatts of solar electric power.
--That’s the same power as from 125 coal fired power plants.
--Kills less people too, in more ways than one.

8. Buy everyone in India an IPOD

9. Buy everyone in America their own personal Plasma TV.

10. Buy 37,000 high end strip club lap dances for every soldier serving in Iraq.
--That’s each soldier would get 37,000 lap dances.