Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Report to the Congress and Executive Branch of the government of the United States

Definition of Terms


The concept of killing enough of a declared enemy to cause them to submit
to a political point of view.


Negotiable to the attacker.


Cessation of hostilities by either total elimination of the enemy through sanctioned genocide or causing sufficient social pain on the road to genocide to cause the enemy to surrender to the attackers will regardless of the result of that surrender.

IRAQ: The enemy.

Basic Disagreement: Difficult to agree on. There were many issues.

Result: WAR

Means: Idle U.S. and British military active duty and reserve personnel.

U.S. Goal: Submission of the people of Iraq to the concepts of democracy.

Iraq Goal: Removal of U.S. and British troops for Iraq soil.

Current Status:

Insufficient casualties have occurred on either side to realize either
protagonists goals.