Saturday, September 22, 2007

I have solved the mystery of evolution

So, I had to go to Atlanta this week. Work stuff, meetings where groups of people forced together by corporate mergers have to figure out who has got the best way of doing whatever. Sometimes the whatever, isn’t –ever, or hasn’t been ever, or is about to be ever or we just decided it won’t ever do. This gibberish may seem incomprehensible, but you get better at it if you sit in the everlasting about whatever meetings that just move venue for a change of scenery. Subject is the same, how do we build this. Then the old everlasting conversation restarts.

One of the chief designers on one of new everlasting projects was talking about what we had recently created. He used the word “created” a lot. --Every other sentence, in fact. Being anything but mildly religious, I have sensitivity to the word “created.” It’s the fifth word in the Bible, right after the first mention of the word “God,” prior to that, “In the beginning.” Pretty much everybody raised in our society knows that sentence. It’s offered up as the solution to explain --everything. But I’m not here to debate the validity of that sentence.

As I was hearing the word “created” uttered again, and again, talking about some new world system we had created, I couldn’t help but revert back to my college debate days. Hmm, “created”, we may need that term defined. “Created”, that infers finished, done. The earth was created in six days. This pooped God out, so he rested on the seventh day. We all know that story too. We assume he worked hard to get it finished. On a side note, as an engineer sitting in my everlasting meeting with my clients, I had wonder, what was the hurry? I mean did God have a client that wanted heaven and earth like by next week? But the design engineer was still using the word “created” a lot and it snapped me back into reality. The reality was, we had only created a design, a plan, we were about to execute on. We hadn’t really done the work of creation of this “new world” the design engineer was talking about. We are about to, and it’s going to take more than six days. Problem was we weren’t even done with the design we were claiming to have created. Another of my engineers was complaining to me via an instant messaging system that he was getting too many change orders to our plan for the new world we had created, he couldn’t possibly stay on schedule. Then it hit me. God had fibbed a bit, he created the world in six days alright, but then the change orders came in for his client he hurried everything up for. Evolution is probably just the execution of those change orders.

Oh, and if any of my co-workers or clients read this. I was paying attention in the meeting.