Wednesday, July 19, 2006

embryos=dead iraq citizens

I was watching the on going stem cell debate tonight. I'm a little puzzled why the senators and congressman who will vote billions of dollars to kill adults in another country in the name of saving American lives won't vote money to kill zygotes in a freezer. I guess potential life is more important that actual life.

It goes something like this:

Adult in another country with wierd beards and clothes = good bomb practice targets.
Vote money. Worth Killing.

Child in another country with parents with weird clothes = preventative maintenance against later target practice.
Vote money. Kill now, while cheaper.

Mass of cells in a tube = a human without weird clothes.
Vote no money, save them for the freezer.

Adult in the country with a incurrable disease --> the will of God.
Vote no money, even though you work for them.

Mass of cells in a tube --> the answer to everything if we just let is grow up.
Vote no money for anything, just talk a lot.

Course the end result is, we save money on stem cell research to pay for bomb basically.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Bastille Day is coming.

John, Ian, Scott, Mary Kay, Heather, Maisy and I got together tonight to plan the Bastille Day barbecue. We are going to barbecue everything French. Ian bought berets for everyone, and we wore them tonight as we brainstormed this event. We all seemed to look uniquely French as we donned our $4.50 berets, ordered from the internet, and discussed the best way to commute across the Bay Bridge.

John is making quiche and finding French Beer.
I am making a guiatine which is some how suppose to dispense French beer. (It will, I have a week.) I also need to come up with a French Flag.
Ian and Mary Kay - Crepes, I belive.
Heather and Scott's duties escape me at this moment. Something to do with decorating.
Hot dogs will be served on bagettes.

We are also have tofu escargo.

Yes, its Bastille day BBQ in Berkeley.

This is the antithesis of the two barbeques I went to in Roundup Montana this weekend. But more about that later.