Thursday, November 17, 2005

How you know you have been working to hard.

1. Your significant other calls you at 7:21 PM and you have two phones in your ear trying to solve a problem at work and can't answer. (Read great remorse and retirement consideration here.)

2. You get home later that night (10:05 PM) and realize the tub has been running water down the drain all day. To make matters worse, you know the hot water heater has been trying to compensate all day. You feel guilty about the wasted whatever. You remember you forgot to shut it off after washing your feet that were dirty from that plastering job that six months unfinished. Not that you plastered any time recently, just that you hadn't had a chance to clean up the floor in six months.

3. All three meals that day have consisted of something with way too much butter fat. Potatoes in some form of fat.

4. You beg forgiveness and get up the next morning at 5:30 AM for a phone call with the East Coast.

5. At 5:30 PM that later that day, you are looking forward to getting away on vacation so you have a chance to catch up on e-mail and work you can't get to cause you are working to hard on other crap at work.

6. A beer sounds good at 9:30 in the morning. By 10:30 you want a Manhattan. By 11:30 you need pot.... etc.