Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Let's here it for our second Category 5 hurricane this year. This month. I don't want to cheer too loud there. It's a pity its going to strike Galveston and not Crawford. Well, not Crawford proper, just a ranch near there. Hmm, maybe it will throw up a tornado or two outside of Crawford. God, hint, hint..... I know a rich white guy who needs to suffer a little like his brethren.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Girley Man Arnold

So ArNold...

Picking on the girley men who want to recognize their girley existance.
The legislature says, girley men can get married.
--And you say NO, with your big veto Govenator muscles.
Can't bring youself to pick on anyone but the girley men?

You know what they say about a man who beats up only on girls.

Your are a girley man ArNold.