Saturday, April 23, 2005

Fifty Bucks

I filled up my truck today. It cost 50 Bucks!
Our raise this year was 2.5 percent, cause inflation is under control.
Let's see I couldn't touch a house in the Bay area for less that $550K and in reality its more like $900K.

Okay, I'm coping, I changed cellular plans, and got rid of Ramiro the overpriced el gordo Mexican hair stylist for a asian chick in the burbs. Did I outsource? I feel guilty now.
Those two plans saved my $25.00 a month. All I have to do is figure out what to do for the other four tanks of gas I use a month.

Anyway, I'm over it now. I've hatched a plan to sell my house, and I can afford gas to get back and fourth to work.