Tuesday, June 08, 2004


I have to admit, I voted for Ronald Reagan. Hey I was eighteen, had just moved from Idaho. I was brainwashed. Besides, I grew up in a military family and figured I'd get nuked before I got married. (That still may happen.) Reagan seemed a good chance not to get nuked. And I haven't been nuked have I?

Old Ronnie and I have had our differences. Mainly cause he never balanced the budget. Oh sure he won the Cold War. But he also made me go to college for two extra years because he gutted the student assistance program to while he was running up the bills. His budget deficit his first year was twice as big as Carter's combined four year budget deficit. Ronnie's first four year term deficit was as big as all predecessors combined over a 196 years. But he topped that and double the debt again his second term. When Carter left office, we owed $1 trillion. When Ronnie left we owed 3. He taught the Bush's well. They've double the debt again. :)

Now, they named a lot of stuff after Ronald Reagan while he was still alive: airports, aircraft carriers. There was even talk about putting him on the currency. That was nixed as he was still alive, cause we only gots dead people on the coin of the realm. I suppose that talk will start again. But I have a better idea. Let's issue a new series of U.S. Treasury Bonds and put Ronnie on that.
I mean that's his real legacy, the national debt. It seems appropriate. That or we could issue the new -20 dollar bill and put him on that.