Sunday, January 05, 2020

David Tikva

David Tikva 35, of 317 Hanover Street in Oakland California is basically a scam artist. A thief, a bait and switcher, a man who practices identity theft and certainly not, a general contractor who intends to provide good service. He currently has an arrest warrant from Alameda County issued for him for failure to appear in court on felony fraud charges.

I know this from a few months experience with David Tikva.
I will tell you in advance, you are going to see the name David Tikva a lot in this entry.  Mainly to make sure David Tikva’s name comes up in search engines.  Until David Tikva returns my $44,000 he stole from me, and the several hundred thousand he stole from two other home owners, this article about David Tikva will remain on line. 

I met David Tikva, through a referral from Prosper Development company of San Francisco. In August 2019 he was sent out as a representative for a kitchen remodel bid.  He looked over the work and proposed a $65,000 dollar budget. A retainer check for $1000 was made out to Prosper development. He gave me his contact information and we started the kitchen design process. Over the next month he guided me through the kitchen design options.  What he failed to discuss, was that he had been terminated from Prosper Development.  In reality, Prosper should have double checked all the retainers David Tikva, but they did not. David Tikva had only been an employee for a month.  David Tikva had several leads he’d been working prior to termination, neither he or Prosper informed those clients of David Tikva’s termination.  As the period between initial retainer and final construction contract signing didn’t require more funds, there was nothing to raise flags that David Tikva was no longer with his former employer.

Myself and at least two other clients were bait and switched by David Tikva, who took substantial deposits from us, and then failed to delver work.  David Tikva engaged several sub-contractors and failed to pay for their work.  The clients and the sub-contractors are all have had substantial amounts of money stolen.

We suspect David Tikva used the money to buy his new BMW SUV and fly around on Jet Suite. I hope you enjoyed it David Tikva.  We and several branches of the state and federal government are coming after you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

please give me his birthday

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He striked again. I wish I had seen this earlier. will pay to see him brought to justice!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please contact me asap - I know where he is. He is squatting in my place Dec 4 2023 at 7PM.

7:14 PM  

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